Yes I know Bad Bad me for not posting But to be honest not much has happened the last few days =/
But (Attention: If you are not a rider this will bore you)
I had a great few training sessions with Dicatan my 21 year old Thouroughbred Lease Horse <3 We finally managed a superb flying change wopee so that was REALY FUN!!
(ok non horse people you can read again ^^)
soooo da ich auch einen deutschen tei schreib ...
hiers nich viel los ausser langeweile schnittmuster und stoff -.- ich mach grad eine handtasche ^^ Photos wenn sie fertig is
Bis denne
Saturday, June 26, 2010
Tuesday, June 22, 2010
Since I realy dont feel like doing anything im Blogging -.- The last two days have been rather boring. Selbst wenn ich heute den stoff fuer die unterlagen und zwei neue taschen, sowie die Oesen fuer ne aenderung an nem shirt gekriegt habe. Da fallt mir grade auf, dass ich doch noch etwas fuer das shirt brauch. -.- Heut will aber auch alles schief gehen ... naja wie auch immer. Heute schreib ich am meisten in Deutsch damit die liebe Amrei sich nich so anstrengen brauch =P hdl amrei!
Wie auch immer ich bin irgentwie voll geplaettet und nach dem frust futtern der letzten tage habe ich mich zu jeden tag ne runde zum Videoladen und zurueck Joggen verdonnert... Ich glaub ich sollte mir nen Boxsack kaufen und mich an dem abreagieren statt an mir selbst. Waer ne idee oder??(andworten/ideen in die Comments).
So da meine schwester schonwieder rummnervt werd ich jetzt mal gehen.
Tata and till tomorrow
Wie auch immer ich bin irgentwie voll geplaettet und nach dem frust futtern der letzten tage habe ich mich zu jeden tag ne runde zum Videoladen und zurueck Joggen verdonnert... Ich glaub ich sollte mir nen Boxsack kaufen und mich an dem abreagieren statt an mir selbst. Waer ne idee oder??(andworten/ideen in die Comments).
So da meine schwester schonwieder rummnervt werd ich jetzt mal gehen.
Tata and till tomorrow
Monday, June 21, 2010
Just a Nightmare??
Waking uo Yesterday morning the First thing that came to my mind was this must be a nightmare =( but it isnt. I miss my peeps from germany and all the fun stuff we did together =( In the moment I still deciding if Ill burst out in tears or do something stupid... probably going to let it out on my body thou. To all of you in germany reading this... I <3 You guys(and girls)
Saturday, June 19, 2010
Ok 12 hours in a plane - Not so bad since i slept most of the time and watched percy Jacson. =) Nice Movie but slightly overdone in some effects. However Now Ive arrived in Jo'burg and im missing germany allready. Saying goodbye was so sad I bet I cried like 5 coke cans of tears. Im gonna miss having my class and friends from there around! Thanks for the Great time=) looked at the photos in the plane and the tears just came running down my face...
Now im sitting next to Wimpy and two americans are siting just next to me =) theyre talking numbers and airports xD
Im hoping to ...Vuvusela and I lost my train of thought Haha! Oh yea its back I'm hoping to make my 'Segelflugschein' (if anyone knows the englisch word post it in the comments =) )
Im going to go get a Muffin A Vida e Cafee now so Till in the Plane.
So now it's 11:51 im sitting in the plane and im endlessly tired and bored. And right now all i whant is a huge big fat hug from Andi or Desi ='( I dont understand how amei is scrared i wont fight to come back =/ I wish I could have internet now so I can watch the friday episode of =3 and Yotube Winners and loosers =/ but hey I cant have everything can I?
Yaay Dani California just went on in my playlist =D Black bandanna sweet luisianna... Ahh i love this song _\m/
Omg Just thought of desi "Ich Kak gleichalles tot" <3 gooood times Miss You |Desi| and Dave my cap brother and Andi my 'Knuddelbaer' I just realized that this is going to be one insainly long post! [David schow desi this page and give her a FAT hug from me <3 Looking forward to seeing my mom and dad again thou and my Doggles awww and my horse thou im not shure how long I can still ride him... my mom told me there are problems with the owner but I'm hoping to start Riding Espejo the 10 Year old chestnut owned by the stable owner Peter=) would mean a great chance for me because hes younger and could in a way Grow with me =).
Ok 12 hours in a plane - Not so bad since i slept most of the time and watched percy Jacson. =) Nice Movie but slightly overdone in some effects. However Now Ive arrived in Jo'burg and im missing germany allready. Saying goodbye was so sad I bet I cried like 5 coke cans of tears. Im gonna miss having my class and friends from there around! Thanks for the Great time=) looked at the photos in the plane and the tears just came running down my face...
Now im sitting next to Wimpy and two americans are siting just next to me =) theyre talking numbers and airports xD
Im hoping to ...Vuvusela and I lost my train of thought Haha! Oh yea its back I'm hoping to make my 'Segelflugschein' (if anyone knows the englisch word post it in the comments =) )
Im going to go get a Muffin A Vida e Cafee now so Till in the Plane.
So now it's 11:51 im sitting in the plane and im endlessly tired and bored. And right now all i whant is a huge big fat hug from Andi or Desi ='( I dont understand how amei is scrared i wont fight to come back =/ I wish I could have internet now so I can watch the friday episode of =3 and Yotube Winners and loosers =/ but hey I cant have everything can I?
Yaay Dani California just went on in my playlist =D Black bandanna sweet luisianna... Ahh i love this song _\m/
Omg Just thought of desi "Ich Kak gleichalles tot" <3 gooood times Miss You |Desi| and Dave my cap brother and Andi my 'Knuddelbaer' I just realized that this is going to be one insainly long post! [David schow desi this page and give her a FAT hug from me <3 Looking forward to seeing my mom and dad again thou and my Doggles awww and my horse thou im not shure how long I can still ride him... my mom told me there are problems with the owner but I'm hoping to start Riding Espejo the 10 Year old chestnut owned by the stable owner Peter=) would mean a great chance for me because hes younger and could in a way Grow with me =).
Thursday, June 17, 2010
Jewish Stuff and McDonalds
Yesterday was realy fun stuff ( if we ignore the rain, the pain in out backs, our hurting feet and the oncoming cold xD) First we drove all the way to munich by BUS then we had to look at various buildings connected to the Jewish history in Munich . Then we had free time so me, Desi and David [Danke fuer die geile Cappe David<3] mcdonalds ="D" soon ="D
Today however was my second last day in Germany ='( Im gonna miss it. Stadt-Land-Fluss mit eich spielen ist einfach das groesste =)
Monday, June 14, 2010
Sunnies and suitcases =)
Ok I have decided not to finish my night to remember post because
1. I dont remeber too much myself... and
2. I dont realy feel like writing what I do remember cus that wouldnt be fair to all involeved.
So today school was intensely boooring and I slept half the time but afterwards we drove to
Rosenheim to go SHOPPING =)The result of that was:
2 new suitcases
1 pair of fake All-stars (9 Euros)=D
New sunnies >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
1. I dont remeber too much myself... and
2. I dont realy feel like writing what I do remember cus that wouldnt be fair to all involeved.
So today school was intensely boooring and I slept half the time but afterwards we drove to

2 new suitcases
1 pair of fake All-stars (9 Euros)=D
New sunnies >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
and a T-shirt for everyone to sign when I leave in 5 days O.O
So till tomorow or so tatata
Sunday, June 13, 2010
Saturday, June 12, 2010
School yesterday was quite rad. First we had chemistry but that was intensely boring =/ the double(!!) German lesson we only fooled around and I might have gotten a new follower [shout out to David^^] We played a game and chatted about different things. Later in Bio the whole class cheered because we got hitzefrei and got to leave early =D
In the afternoon I visited Cathi and Fex. Talking to both for quite some time.
So Today till now was quite chilled... I fetched my EHD and went down to gelatos to have an Ice-cream =D Yaay!! so Ive just gotten back from that and now I'm here again =)
In the afternoon I visited Cathi and Fex. Talking to both for quite some time.
So Today till now was quite chilled... I fetched my EHD and went down to gelatos to have an Ice-cream =D Yaay!! so Ive just gotten back from that and now I'm here again =)
Thursday, June 10, 2010
After dancing Sirtaki at school, Grilling at Fexs and enjoying afterward escapades ^^ I fortunately didn't have to go to school early he next day =) so we all hit it. =DThe next morning I only had school late so I slept a little longer than usual =) then it was off to school where once again we sirtaki on the program and the cha cha cha rather fun =) the rest of the
(school)day was rather boring so i was doing allot of drawing.=) finaly when school was over i worked out some and went riding with Julia so now I might just still watch a movie and then go to bed =)
Monday, June 7, 2010
Today I finished school early so later I met up with Desi and Lukas and we chilled till 4 pm after that i killed some time watching the Adams Family. =)
Afterwards I drove to the library to get a new book and new movies YaaaY
I started reading my book when my skype rang =) It was Jesse =] we talked some time till we were insainly tired. -.- zZ
so thats that =)
Sunday, June 6, 2010
The day started with a water fight with my exchange partner Flo and a good book.
Later we drove down to Fex to plan his birthday party he's turning !!18!! the guys suggested we
should go and have an Icecream so all of us cycled to Grassau and had a ice there =)
On the way back we checked out the Aache because of Fex's upcoming birthday party =D
and after my sense and my urge to do something stupig faught for 5 minutes I took a dip with the guys ^^
Now were back and were going out for supper (germans have supper at 6pm O.o)
so here are some pics of that =D
Afterwards we put our feet in the chiemsee for some time until we decided we where going to die of hunger if we dont eat some thing . McDonalds after short nods was chosen and I beat my personal best of 8 3/4 Chicken Nuggets.
I ate 10 nuggets and half a cheeseburger O.O
However rest of the day I mostly spent with Cathi. We carried out prospects and gave in to my YouTube obsession =)
Friday, June 4, 2010
Two rad days =]
Hey every one
So on Thursday we went to the Salzbergwerk Brechtesgaden so that was quite interesting. =] Flo
was behaving like a baby because i was allowed to drive with Cathi to Geckos bar and he hadn't
been alowed to go to this other place with some guy +rolling eyes and shaking head+. However I
still had a good time and thats what counts =]
Heres some Pictures of my day =]
^My Guestmom Birgit and I^ ^Me at Geckos =]^
So much for Thursday =]
Today Me and Birgit drove to Austria where we visited the Haflinger World Show and it was just
gobsmackingly amazing. Seriously check out that page!
Pictures of that
^Does it get any CUTER<3^
^Sooooo many Haflings on one heap^
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